Prompt 5: A book published in 2021

Image Source: Chris Lawton, Unsplash

Image Source: Chris Lawton, Unsplash

What books are being published in 2021?

Oh, so so many! How do you choose? With over 1 billion books published per year just in the US alone, it’s nearly impossible to choose! Yet, there are endless opportunities too. Personally, I have figured out that I unintentionally tend to wait until the end of the year to read books published in the same year. This is usually because some of the hype has alleviated.

Here are some of my favorite ways to find out upcoming releases:

There are a handful of books being published this year that I’m looking forward to reading. As I was going through my Goodreads to-read list, I realized that there are a lot more books than I remembered adding! Here is a short-list:

I hope that these resources and suggestions are a good starting place for you. Of course, you can always do a quick Google search and find so many more lists and ideas for books, or check out this list of Most Popular Books Published in 2021 from Goodreads. Thank you for using my blog as one of your resources!

What books are you looking forward to being released?
Comment below!


Prompt 6 & 7: A Book Nominated For An Award This Year and A Book That Won an Award Last Year


Prompt 4: A book published in 2020