Prompt 9: A book that fits your favorite prompt from another reading challenge
Photo credit: Darren Richardson; @campfire_guy on Unsplash
This prompt, A book that fits your favorite prompt from another reading challenge, has shown up in several challenges that I’ve participated in over the last few years and I like how broad it is, but at the same time it can be quite overwhelming to find both a prompt and a book. This is where I hope this post will come in handy for you. Each reading challenge is different in how they phrase it. In this case, the prompt can be from any other reading challenge whether it’s from another 2021 challenge, or one from previous years. It really doesn’t matter and that’s the joy of it! On the flipside for example, the Popsugar Reading Challenge prompts readers to read a book from a previous Popsugar challenge rather than any reading challenge. I chose not to be that specific for this one, both because this is the first year of For The Love of Reading so obviously there is no challenge to pick from last year, and I prefer it to be more broad anyway!
Need some ideas? Have you not participated in reading challenges? Check out the list below for ideas:
2021 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge - produced by the POPSUGAR media and technology company that started out as a pop culture blog and evolved from there into covering many different subjects.
Join the POPSUGAR Book Club on Facebook to catch up with others on what to read regardless of whether or not it’s related to the challenge.
Reading Women - a team of two women chatting on a podcast series about their love for reading books by or about women
The 2021 Master List of Reading Challenges by girlxoxo has quite an extensive list as well.
While The Incessant Bookworm doesn’t have any specific prompts, they do have some quarterly challenges with themes. You can pick a themed prompt if that’s what works for you.
The Story Graph has three challenges happening this year.
Reading Brightly - Monthly Reading Challenges for Kids