If there's one thing I've always been fascinated by, it's lighthouses. Although I've never gone out of my way to collect items or photographs pertaining to lighthouses, I've always enjoyed the mystery, the history, the story behind a lighthouse. What kinds of things have these buildings witnessed in the hundreds of years they've stood watching over our waters? Oh what gorgeous sunsets and sunrises they must see and horrible storms washing destruction upon the land.

Every time I get to visit a lighthouse, which isn't very often, I revel in the mystery it holds. The untold years it's seen. I'd love to live in one, or at least see one from my house...the view would be so gorgeous! The seclusion from so much of the world would be such a nice escape. I wouldn't necessarily want to live there year round - having a vacation home in one would be so wonderful and relaxing.

The last time I definitely remember visiting one was when I was a kid visiting Massachusetts. My family and I went to the New Bedford Whaling Museum, Plymouth Rock and Plymouth Plantation, just south of Boston. I don't remember exactly where the lighthouse was, but it was definitely part of that trip and I remember being so overwhelmed with interest that it's stuck with me to this day. We were able to walk through the lighthouse and see how it worked and look out over the ocean. It was such a gorgeous view, I loved it.

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South of Boston Tourist places - Plymouth Plantation and more!!