Poem: Goodbye

Pulling this one from the archives. I wrote this poem when I was 13 and it is all the more relevant still today especially after losing Keith, my best friend, so suddenly on Saturday to a stroke. I miss you Keith, always will. I know you weren't all that sure about your faith in God, or at least in the Catholic church, but this is relevant anyway.

I see you hurting, I see you cry
I remember all the times we had together
And I hope you will cherish the memories forever
It was my time, I had to say goodbye.

I left so many behind when I had to die
I want you to know I love you all
You can talk to me still, easier than a phone call
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

I'm sorry for every single lie
I apologize to those I hurt
And to those I treated like dirt
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

You will always remember me and with grief sadly sigh
But please don't be burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the happiest times, today and tomorrow
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

Now I am free, God taught me how to fly
A friendship shared, a joke, a laugh, a kiss
Yes, these things with all of my heart, I will miss
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

It was hard, when I left this world, to say goodbye
for everyone who loved me or talked to
But I want you to know that I love you
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

Now I am living beyond the sky
But please don't grieve for me
I'm with God now, he set me free
It was my time, I had to say goodbye

You're sadness is understandable, don't be shy
Please don't grieve for me for now I'm free
I am following the path God laid for me
It was my time, I had to say goodbye
(c) June 2000

Poem: Please Tell Me


Poems: March Revival