April is National Poetry Month
vital place in our culture."
Although we are halfway through the month, there are still some things you can do to celebrate poetry!
- Poem in Your Pocket Day: On April 27, pick a poem and carry it with you everywhere you go, and share it with others throughout the day. It doesn't matter if it's local schools, workplaces, or at your local library, or even at your favorite watering hole (though you might get some looks if you're sharing a poem at a bar). Share it on Twitter using the hashtag #pocketpoem.
- Receive a poem a day. Sign up to receive a poem a day via email by previously unpublished poets. Or find the poems on the poets.org website and social media.
- Memorize a poem
- Write a poem a day and share it on a blog and/or social media
- Participate in the NaPoWriMo blog a poem a day challenge at http://www.napowrimo.net/.
- Attend a poetry reading at your local bookstore, library, cafe or local university
- Chalk a poem on a sidewalk
- Subscribe to a literary journal dedicated to poetry, or that has a poetry section such as Mud Season Review or Poetry Magazine.
- Sign up for a poetry workshop or class. The Burlington Writers Workshop in Vermont has poetry workshops on Monday evenings in Burlington.
- Buy a book of poetry from your local bookstore.