2021 Audiobook Challenge
Caffeinated Reviewer is joined by new co-host
Thanks to my friend Sarah for finally convincing me several years ago to finally give audiobooks a try. Without them, I would’ve only read 25 books in 2020 instead of the 101 that I did read. My appreciation for the recorded book has definitely grown over the years. This year officially marks the fifth year that I’ll be participating in this challenge.
The purpose of this challenge is really to find a new love for audiobooks, or to try outdoing your results from last year. More on that below.
There is a new co-host this year - Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About is joining Kimberly over at Caffeinated Reviewer. Kimberly has hosted this challenge for at least the last five years since I started participating.
Also new this year is an additional Achievement Level to make NINE total Achievement Levels:
Newbie (I’ll give it a try) 1-5
Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10
Stenographer (can listen while multitasking) 10-15
Socially Awkward (Don’t talk to me) 15-20
Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30
My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30+
Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands) 50+
Over-Achiever (Power Listener) 75+ new this year!
The 100 Club (Audiobook Addict) 100+ new last year in 2020!
Here is a quick recap of my progress over the years:
In 2017, I was the Stenographer because I listened to 15 books.
In 2018, I surpassed my personal goal of 15 books, and achieved the Binge Listener level by listening to 24 audiobooks.
In 2019, my goal was 25 books (Binge Listener), and I surpassed that by listening to 34 books pushing me into the My Precious level.
In 2020, my goal was 30 books to reach My Precious level again. Well, thanks to the pandemic I had a lot more time on my hands and I listened to 76 books to reach what was still the Marathoner level then.
My goal for 2021 is being set to 30 books for now. Now, I know that one of the purposes is to try outdoing last year’s results, but if we’ve learned anything from 2020, we need to set our expectations a little lower. My priorities are also changing a little this year in that I will likely be spending more time blogging than I will reading.
Are you interested in signing up for this challenge? Head on over to Caffeinated Reviewer's link up post where you'll also find the rules. You do not need to be a blogger to join - you can link up using your Instagram, Goodreads, Facebook, LibraryThing or any other account.
Are you a Goodreads user? There is a group on there called Audiobook Junkies where you can find some great suggestions, and also track your progress in the challenges section.
Happy Listening!